Behind The Scenes
When you have thousands of people working for you, all across the globe, how do you get them all on the same page each year knowing the key priorities, newest best-practices, and create a strong feeling of partnership and camaraderie? Good questions…
For Microsoft they combined their sales, marketing and tech international annual conferences into a single giant convention: The Microsoft Global Briefing. We were asked to document the undertaking from the preparations, to the build out in Miami, Florida, to the five-day take over of 45 entire hotels, 80 buses, the Miami Beach Convention Center, and the Miami Heat Arena. We finished with a post-event debrief of attendees, lead executives and the production team. The resulting documentary provides a peek behind the scenes of one of the most amazing events anywhere in the world.
From giant to small. We told a very different story for the Small Business team at Microsoft. A fun look at how small business differs from enterprise scale to kick off a support services presentation.