When you are showcasing an entire brand new hospital you have a lot that you want to talk about. Swedish could have provided each of the nearly 20,000 visitors to their open house with a typical ‘swag bag’ with their logo on the outside and dozens of pamphlets and info sheets on the inside. The visitors would have had to carry them around all day keeping track of them so all the information would make it home with them. And the groundskeepers would picking up all the bags that didn’t make it home with their keepers.

We had a better idea. What if you gave everyone a branded card embedded with RFID (radio frequency identification) and what if we set up hot spots throughout the hospital so visitors would only need to tap the hotspot and we’d know they wanted information about that location? We did just that. There were information hot spots in imaging, emergency services, and cancer care. There was a hotspot at the DaVinci robotic surgery room, in the restaurant, in the shopping court, and by the beautiful three story wall featuring wood reclaimed from a northwest school gymnasium. People used their cards to get information about all these spots and many more. All in all, thousands of taps were recorded across the day. The best part is that each tap represents someone who wants information about that location.

At the end of the day all the taps were compiled and each visitor who participated received a single email with links to information about each of the areas they were interested in. And the groundskeepers were able to focus on watering the new landscaping and not collecting left-behind swag bags and literature.